Johnny Weissmuller Pool Installation Instructions

The historic structure had one of the few pools in downtown Cleveland, and in that pool is where Olympic swimmer Johnny Weissmuller (Tarzan) set a world record for the 150-yard backstroke in 1922, according to “The Encyclopedia of Cleveland History.”. Our Esther Williams replacement pool liners are made specifically to fit Esther Williams and Johnny Weissmuller pools. These liners are made with a special bead type to assure a proper fit with your Esther Williams or Johnny Weissmuller pool.

Question: What is “bead track or receiver”?

Answer: Where the bead of the liner is attached to the wall of a pool. Boot camp el capitan.

Johnny Weissmuller Pool Installation Instructions

Johnny Weissmuller Pool Installation Instructions

Question: What is considered a bench?


Answer: A vinyl covered feature with a single depth usually in the deep end of the pool.

Question: Does GLI manufacture liners for Commercial Swimming Pools?

Answer: GLI does not manufacture liners for commercial use (apartment complexes, YMCA, Condo developments, Physical Therapy Centers, etc.) due to liability issues, only single family residences.


Question: What is “Esther Williams Bead?”

Answer: Also called Johnny Weissmuller Bead, this liner bead is thicker than Standard Bead. Esther Williams and Johnny Weissmuller manufacture Pool Kits with special bead track that only accepts thicker bead. Standard bead will be too loose in the bead track There is no upcharge for this bead on an In-Ground Liner.

Question: What does “gauge” mean?

Johnny Weissmuller Pool Installation Instructions Pdf

Answer: GLI Liners are measured using mil thickness, not gauge. Update bluestacks mac. See Mil. Gauge is not a valid measurement for vinyl.

Question: What does “mil” mean?

Answer: The thickness of the vinyl measured in thousandths of an inch. GLI IGL's come in 20 and 28 mil.

Question: What is “Sure-Step”?

Answer: Textured, non-slip vinyl (28 MIL ONLY) that GLI offers which is available in all non-Closeout patterns used to cover vinyl covered features only - Steps, Benches, Sun Decks, etc. GLI does not offer an entire liner to be built out of this material. There is an upcharge for this feature. Does not use G-Fusion Seams.

Johnny Weissmuller Pool Instructions

Question: What is “Uni-Bead”?

Answer: A universal bead that can be used for a J-hook or standard bead application at the customer's request. The J-hook can be cut off of the liner. See Illustration 2 on the Above Ground Liner Installation Instructions. Bignox mac.